Thursday, December 29, 2011


I apologize for not updating my blog in over a month - even artists can get carried away during Christmas season.  However, I do have some interesting tidbits to relate.


First of all, THREE of my paintings (the two Picassos and the Modigliani) sold at Prime Rib's Eat Your Art Out event - very exciting! 

Secondly, I have put a lot of work into Edward, and I must say that he is coming along nicely.  A week or so ago I hit a point where I saw the "light at the end of the tunnel" for the first time.  The farther along I go with this piece the more difficult it becomes and the slower I seem to progress.  I have never worked on anything this detailed in my life.  Sometimes painting Edward is maddening, but then when I stand back and look at him, I am so proud of what I have done.

Last but not least, I have started working on a series of Matisse reproductions to sell online.  Here are the first two that I have started.  I began with really loose underpainting then added more color.  I will have to wait for them to dry before making corrections and final touches.

From the show at the Prime Rib I learned that people are willing to spend money on art if they see something they like.  However, smaller, less expensive paintings are going to be more popular if people are just browsing, and everyone seems to want to buy pretty ladies.  Larger, more complicated pieces are best done as commissions, where people already know what they want.