Thursday, September 29, 2011


Progress on my commissions:

 Finished the Modigliani and added more color to the Picasso:

I started a reproduction of one of van Gogh's Sunflowers two nights ago and have been painting like a crazy person to get it done by Monday for the show.  Here is my work on it so far:

I start really simply by adding only yellow ochre and black to an already toned canvas.
I begin adding in some of the color, starting with the vase.

Filling in the background this early is not my usual M.O. for van Gogh, but in this case I had to as the dark gray was affecting my perception of the yellow.
I added in some red.  One of my painting instructors told me that as soon as red is added, the painting comes alive.  It definitely seemed that way with the sunflowers as soon as I added the reds.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Upcoming Solo Exhibition

I am very excited to be having my first solo show at the public library in Moorestown, NJ.  The show will begin the first week of October.  To get ready for the show, I have been gathering some of the still lifes which have been shown before and framing some of my portraits which have not been shown.  I am also creating four new reproductions to display as demos for what I do.  Here are images of three of them, Modigliani's Jeanne, Monet's Waterlilies, and Picasso's The Dream (clockwise from left).   The Modigliani and the Picasso are still largely underpainting, but the Monet I finished last night. 

There are two more shows coming up that I have been tempted to submit work for - "Works on Paper" at Perkins Center for the Arts and a charity show about making connections in NYC (due dates September 16th and 17th respectively).  I would have to make something new for both of them and the submission dates are approaching rapidly.  In the interest of time, I may have to resist temptation and focus my energy on finishing the Edward VII and the Laughing Cavalier, which I need to finish soon on top of getting my Moorestown show together.